5 reasons why we budget every month

budget papers on desk

Recently in the Millionaire Money Mentors forums, there was a discussion on how people control their spending. One concept was mentioned over and over: Budgeting. Sweeping semantics like “budget” vs. “spending plan” vs. “spending goal” and so forth, most of the participants saw the value of being aware of planning at some level for spending. … Read more

Regain control of your financial transactions


Regain control of your financial transactions! Export all of them to a common spreadsheet with Tiller … Some of the biggest financial software companies do whatever they can to lock you in to using their products. I tried for a long time to get used to Quicken. I started and restarted several times at the … Read more

How to budget with pen and paper

Here's how we budget for the month, using (mostly) pen and paper

Here’s step by step how to budget almost entirely with pen and paper. We’ve stuck with it for years now … (This post was originally published on December 31, 2017, and was updated August 29, 2020). In the fall of 2017, my wife and I took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University through our church. The … Read more

7 budgeting lessons learned over 6 months

I wrote this post after we got our budget together for the sixth month in a row. (We’re now working on nearly two years as of 8/2019!) Here are a few budgeting lessons we’ve learned along the way … One practice we’ve continued after completing our journey through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is monthly … Read more

Government shutdown: Furlough survival resources

Government shutdown - furlough survival resources

When government shutdown looms, it pays for affected employees to be prepared for the worst … When government shutdown looms, a lot of things hang in the balance. If the government shuts down, various actions are triggered, including closing of national monuments and museums, suspension of non-essential services, and furlough of many government employees. Government … Read more

Budgeting using discounted gift cards

Budgeting with discounted gift cards

With zero-based budgeting, every dollar that’s spent or saved has a name. But when do you actually spend the money? I’ll explain 🙂 My wife and I went through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University over the past couple of months. We needed to hear what was in the program. We’re not in dire straits by … Read more

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