10. The Semi-Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful Shotgun Approach to Living and Finishing Off Your Rich Friends
9. The 9 Steps to Financial Bondage: Practical Steps So You Can Worry Forever
8. Poor Dad, Poorer Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money — You Won't Find Here
7. The 168-Hour Workweek: Work 24-7, Live in Your Cube, and Hate the Rich
6. The Pauper Next Door: The Not-So-Surprising Secrets of America's Joneses
5. The Partial Money Makeover: A Kinda-Sorta Plan for Financial Fitness, Maybe
4. You're Broke Because Someone Else Did It: No, It's OK, It's Not Really Your Fault
3. Beat Up On Wall Street: What You Should Have Already Known To Make Money In The Market
2. The Complete Profligate Gazette: Promoting Spendthrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle
And the number 1 failed personal finance book title is …
1. Stink And Grow Rich: They May Not Hear You Thinking, But They Sure Can Smell You Coming!
haha the most of the title ar so funny or scaring the customer…
the titleauthors are genius i think so 😀
hahah LOL now that’s funny
Sadly, I think all of them are at my local library.
These are great! I really like #4 because it’s so true.
Ya i agree that titles are so funny and never heard about this books.