Business is cyclical. Here are the best things to buy in June …

Best things to buy in June
Here are things that you can find good deals on in June:
- Alaskan cruises. This month has the longest day of the year, everywhere in the northern hemisphere. The days get really long up near the Arctic Circle. Now that it's no longer icicle-on-your-nose cold up there, deals abound to get people up cruising the final frontier.
- Movie passes. Summer blockbusters arrive typically in … summer, which starts this month. (Shocking, I know.) Look for deals for movie theaters to get you in to buy high-priced concessions with your movie. (Or, for the kiddos, look for cheap movies like Regal's Summer Movie Express.
- Do-it-yourself project supplies. Like paint and tools. In a few months, tools will likely be even better deals, but they're not bad deals now.
- Dairy products. June is National Dairy Month! (Yeah, I didn't know either.) Expect the cream of the crop on dairy deals, and stores to milk this for all it's worth. Butter not miss it! (OK, enough with the cheesy puns!) Fun fact: The first such celebration of dairy began in 1937; it was called National Milk Month back then.
- Cookware. Kitchen stuff like cookware continue to be on sale this month, as it's prime wedding season.
- Tropical cruises. This one surprised me. I would have thought winter would be the best time but not necessarily.
- Gym memberships and gym gear. Just like in May, because the weather is getting nicer, going to the great indoors is a tougher sell, and hence there are bargains to be had. (Part of me wonders if there's ever a bad time to get a gym membership. It's one of those expenses that always seems to be ripe for haggling.)
- Seasonal fruits and veggies. There's always something in season, and it's cheaper and healthier to get it in season. Some favorites for June are strawberries, cherries, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, and peas.
- Twice-yearly sales. Since June is directly opposed to December, retailers like Victoria's Secret, New Balance, Bath and Body Works, and more have semi-annual sales this month.
Did not know about June being National Dairy Month either! Interesting fact 🙂
During summer months, I always make sure to buy foods that can be eaten cold: fruit, seasonal veggies (that you can maybe put in a salad), dairy (not only is it healthy, but it helps with sunburn as well!) and so on.
Thanks for stopping by! Didn’t know about the sunburn thing.