Fancy serial numbers: Dollar bills worth money

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Dollar bills are worth, well, a dollar. Except when the serial number on the bill is fancy — that makes dollar bills worth money!

Dollar bills worth money - fancy serial numbers

There are lots of opportunities to cash in on your cash.

Finding currency errors is one way. Another way (that might be easier) is by finding cool serial numbers — serial numbers that are special in some way. While many currency errors are found by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing employees before they ever see the light of day, every bill should have a serial number.

Fancy serial numbers are (literally) a numbers game

What makes a serial number “fancy?” Being one-of-a-kind isn't enough, obviously. All serial numbers are unique (or should be!)

A few weeks ago, my daughter and I went through about $300 worth of $1 bills looking for fancy serial numbers. We came close to getting a radar bill (described below) but did find several birthday bills and three-of-a-kind bills.

To some extent, the fanciness of a serial number can be enhanced by a good story or a creative observation of what the number means. Nonetheless, the following kinds of numbers are generally considered fancy:

Low or high serial numbers

Low or high serial numbers are numbers that are close to zero like 00000014, or near the top like 99999934.

They're special because they're near the beginning or end of a series. The closer to the ends, the better. The odds of getting a serial number within the first or last 100 is about a million to one.

Solid or near-solid serial numbers

Near-solid serial numbers have most, but not all, of the same digit, like 44434444. It's a little over a million to one for 7/8 near-solid bills like this one.

A solid serial number is a serial number with just one digit like 77777777. The odds of getting a pure solid bill are about 11 million to one (there is no 00000000 bill).

dollar bill with a solid 7's fancy serial number
An example of a solid serial number from my collection. Every digit is the same.

Repeater or super repeater serial numbers

Repeater serial numbers have the first four digits and the second four digits the same. For example, 70347034 is a repeater.

dollar bill with a repeater fancy serial number
An example of a repeater fancy serial number from my collection. The first four digits are the same as the last four.

If there are four of one two-digit number, like 58585858, that's a super repeater serial number.

The odds of getting a repeater are about ten thousand to one, and about a million to one for a super repeater.

Radar, super radar, and radar repeater serial numbers

Radar (palindromic) serial numbers come from the fact that the word radar is a palindrome which reads the same frontwards and backward. A serial number like 25722752 would be on a radar bill. The odds of getting a radar number are about ten thousand to one.

dollar bill with a radar fancy serial number
An example of a radar serial number from my collection. The number reads the same forwards and backwards.

Super radar serial numbers are radar serial numbers that have six of the same digit in the middle.

dollar bill with a super radar fancy serial number
An example of a super radar serial number from my collection. It's a radar with a block of six of the same digit in the middle (in this case “9”).

Radar repeater. Both a radar number and a repeater: 13311331.

Ladder serial numbers

A ladder serial number has consecutive digits, as in 23456789. These are quite rare.

Binary serial numbers

Binary numbers are serial numbers with just two different digits, like 73373733.

dollar bill with a binary fancy serial number
This is an example of a binary serial number from my collection. It has only two digits in the serial number. It also happens to be a “birthday” bill, in that it can be read as a date (February 2nd, 2022.)

Sometimes to be clear these are distinguished from true binary serial numbers when they have just zeroes and ones, as in 01101010.

Some other interesting serial numbers

Following these obviously fancy numbers, there is a whole range of bills that some might consider fancy:

  • Birthday or anniversary bills. These are bills that have a serial number with a year, a date, or both. Something like 41969780 (with “1969” tucked away in the center) or 02141951 (Valentine's Day in 1951).
  • Near ladders. A near-miss on a ladder like 91345678.
  • Ladder repeaters. Serial numbers with close-by patterns like 36383837.
  • Lucky bills. Ones with 777 or 7777 in the serial number draw some interest from the casino community.
  • Pairs and three of a kind. Something like 92255588.
  • Liar's Poker bills. Anything that has an unusually high frequency of one or more numbers, like 56559155 is a good bill for playing the bar game Liar's Poker (see below).

[wp_eStore_buy_now_fancy id=1]

Dollar bills worth money, in more ways than one

If you've gotten this far (!) then these fancy serial number bills are at least intriguing to you. Here are a few uses for them beyond spending at the grocery store:

  • As conversation pieces. If you're a numbers geek like a mathematician or a statistician then these bills are fun. A dollar bill with all 7's in the serial number just kind of makes you go “Wow!”
  • As gifts. If the bills have a year in the serial number, like “1994,” then they can be a neat gift for someone who was born in 1994 or who got married in 1994. These kinds of bills are even more special if the other numbers make a day and month, like “12061994.” A few hundred thousand people are born each day, so the odds of just one of them (or a friend of one of them) happening along an eBay auction doesn't seem quite so distant. (And that's just birthdays!) Recently I sent my niece four $2 bills for her 8th birthday. Each of the serial numbers had “08” in them; I don't even know if she (or her mom) figured out the trick!
  • To punk your friends at liar's poker. Liar's poker is a bar game that is played with dollar bills. Each player sees the serial number on their own bill, but no one else's. Players then bid in turn by saying, for example, “three 8's,” by which they're asserting that there are at least three 8's in the serial numbers of everyone's bills, taken together. If players can bring their own bills to the game, then having a bill with six 9's (say) in the serial number is an advantage, because it throws the statistics off. A bid of six 9's in a five-player game is a bit risky because on average there should be four 9's amongst the players. But it's not risky at all if you have six of them on your bill. Evil, huh? 🙂
  • As collectible investments. Just like with anything else, collectors are looking for good specimens for their collection. This is where the uncirculated and graded bills go at a premium. Collectors may have “placeholders” in their collection but they usually look for better versions of a particular piece.
Fancy serial numbers: Treasures in your wallet

Got questions about a bill you've found?

Due to the popularity of this post, and a large number of questions asked about particular bills, I've simplified a few things.

First, I created a frequently-asked-questions page about fancy serial numbers. It contains general answers to broad questions that have been asked in the comments.

If you're interested in selling your fancy serial number bills, then my ebook will tell you everything I know, and everything I do to sell bills (which I have done successfully).

If you're interested in what your particular bill is worth based on its serial number, then I'll be glad to give you an informed opinion as to its value for the price of a good cup of coffee.

You're of course welcome to leave a comment to ask a question. I'll answer questions that aren't covered by the FAQ, and point to the FAQ if your question is addressed there.

601 thoughts on “Fancy serial numbers: Dollar bills worth money”

  1. I just recently came across a dollar bill with the year 1994 in it right at the last few digits. I was wondering just how much value this dollar has currently?

    • Cool! By itself you may be able to find a buyer if you advertise it cleverly. If the other four numbers make a month and day, that’s even better because it will be more special to someone who has that exact birthday, anniversary, etc.

  2. I have a dollar bill from the series 1957 A it’s serial number is A 43499666 A is there anyway to see if it is worth some money or not? Without having to pay someone? Or do I have to pay someone? Thank you for your time.

    • Hi TY! It could be that the “99666” part along with the age of the bill could be worth something, especially if it’s in good condition.

      You can list up to 50 auction-style listings for free each month on eBay. Try selling the bill there. If it doesn’t sell, it only cost you time.

  3. Hi I have a 100$ dollar bill from the series 2009 A and serial number is LB00021000C and is in excellent condition. do you think that worth some money?

    • The $5 bill is a binary repeater (only two different digits on it, and first four the same as the last four). The second is neat: It reads the same upside-down. It’s also four pairs.

      Both I think would sell.

        • Those are a couple of nice bills! 00000076 is really low and the other one is near-solid!

          I’d try selling them on eBay.

          The ebook, “Fancy Serial Numbers for Fun and Profit” linked in the post gives an explanation of how to research and price the bill so that you make money.

  4. I have these numbers on one dollar bills not sure of any value 55556525 , 74844444 , 11111293 , 55556301 , 34777888 , 77880777 , 66668957 , 2222018 , 45602222

  5. John:

    I have 3 bills with interesting serial numbers and would like your opinion as to their value and where to sell them?

    $1 -serial #:E35835035G
    $1-serial#: B00201865 J
    $5-serial#: MF 74100074B

    • Ebay is a good place to try to sell them. There’s a decent market for them there.

      The three 35’s in the first one are neat. You have 1865 in the second one, which is the year the Civil War ended.

      Give Ebay a try and just make sure that you calculate the fees beforehand so you make money!

      • I think I have the right person if John I have one dollar bills that have like 4 zeros in a row and also one with four twos on it in a row does that make them worth anything

        • Are the four zeroes at the beginning of the bill? That would make it a fairly low serial number.

          If the zeroes and twos are on the same bill then it’s a binary serial number (two digits).

  6. Hi John.
    I have a five from 2013 with a near solid and was wondering if it would be of any extra worth.

    The number is 09999969.
    Thank you for your time.

  7. Hello John:
    I think I might have come across a one dollar bill with a palindromic serial number and was wondering if you knew anything about it or how much it could go for it’s a series 2009
    The number is: F60466406M
    Thank you.

  8. Hi John Wedding:

    I’m trying to understand the Fancy serial numbers on bills yet not sure when viewing which apply rather it’s solid, ladder, radar, repeater etc.

    Please let me know what are the below

    $1.00 bill with serial number G 09099907 C and $1.00 star note with serial number L10231587* Year on bills 2003

    Thanks for your assistant.

      • Thanks for your response yet I don’t understand your writing of “…neither bill is what you mentioned”. I did write both serial numbers in my post asking that you please inform the identity of the serial numbers. Thanks

        • Neither of the serial numbers are any of the special types that you mentioned (solid, ladder, radar, repeater).

          In other words, they’re not particularly fancy, sorry.

          But every dollar bill you get is another chance, so keep looking!

          (And, of course, they’re both still worth a dollar each!)

  9. I have a five dollar bill with the serial number 19631976. They are both significant years that have to do with freedom. I was wondering if it has any value? Thank you so much! Theresa

    • That’s neat: a double year bill.

      You already have the makings of a good story.

      And I guarantee that the bill is worth at least five dollars. 😉

      My Fancy Serial Numbers for Fun and Profit ebook explains how to sell the bill without worry of losing money on the deal (and explains how to investigate what it’s worth).

  10. Hi there! I have a few bills and was wondering if they are worth anything. I have a 50.00 with serial number 02505025, a 1.00 with serial 03040602, a 1.00 with 27007006 thank you!!!

    • I also found these two serial numbers on one dollar bills 80340308 and 67678988 – thank you so much! I enjoy reading all your responses!

  11. I found one more bill that I am curious about. It has four 7’s…the serial number is 05777731. Thanks again!

    • Wow, you’re going to town on the bills!

      They’re all neat. My favorites of the ones you listed are 03040602 and the 05777731 bill.

      The $50 bill bookends 025 and is a trinary bill.

      I hope you enjoy the ebook!

      • Love the ebook! Thank you! Still collecting and having fun looking at all the serial numbers. I found a few more! 07231787 (important date during the Connecticut Compromise in 1787 during the Constitutuinal Convention); 27007006; 36661110; 80340308; 05777731; 21321396; 85438453; 69949000; and many more! Plenty of full house bills….thank you for your feedback!!!

        • Very glad you love the ebook!! 🙂

          Regarding the 1787 date one: That’s exactly the kind of story that makes a bill like that interesting.

          I’ve gotten some near-misses like the 85438453 one, as well as a “two treys” like the 36661110.

  12. I just recently got into searching for serial numbers and came across this serial number – 02451673, sort of like a ladder but not in order. Is it worth keeping?

    • Hi Dina! I’ve seen that kind of bill called a “mixed ladder.”

      Only about one in 600 bills have eight different, consecutive digits, so it’s a good conversation piece.

      And … YOU obviously like it, so that carries some weight!

    • You might be able to sell it for a profit. It’s worth a shot and my ebook lays out the strategy.

      Three 7’s in a row (four total) is all right but I wouldn’t be surprised if you just got to hold on to it or spend it. 😉

  13. Hi John! I just recently found out about this whole fancy serial number collector info, and it’s intrigued me. I just purchased your eBook and it has a lot of great and helpful info inside that will (hopefully) help me sell some that I’ve found. While I have a general idea now thanks to you as to what value my bills have, I was hoping that I could get a second opinion from you yourself. My bills that I’m planning on attempting to sell are:

    Bill: $1 Serial #: 01700380 Dissection: 0170 0380 Significance: 0’s as double book ends, not sure what else to say.
    Bill: $1 Serial #: 92663211 Dissection: 92 66 32 11 Significance: Two numbers ending in 2, Two double numbers. Sort of a repeater.
    Bill: $1 Serial #: 92961999 Dissection: 92 96 1999 Significance: Birthday year of 1999, Five 9’s in it.
    Bill: $1 Serial #: 19421034 Dissection: 1942 1034 Significance: Birthday year of 1942, not sure what else.
    Bill: $5 Serial #: 22101505 Dissection: 22 101 505 Significance: Not exactly sure what to call these but they seem pretty cool.
    Bill: $1 Serial #: 83735363 Dissection: 83 73 53 63 Significance: Every other number is 3, Other numbers are 5-8 almost in a reverse ladder.
    Bill: $1 Serial #: 12345632 Dissection: 123456 32 Significance: First 6 numbers of a full ladder, Partial descending ladder of 32 after ascending ladder.
    Bill: $5 Serial #: 66159915 Dissection: 66 15 99 15 Significance: Two 15’s, Almost a repeater, Two double numbers, 66 and 99 are the same upside down.
    Bill: $5 Serial #: 00368386 Dissection: 00 36 83 86 Significance: Star note, Two of each number (0,3,6 and 8).

    So I’m fairly new to this and therefore not totally sure how to handle things as of yet. That’s why I’m very thankful for the info you’ve provided me. Sorry that I listed so many bills. Thank you so much for the info and the advice. 🙂

    P.S. If you think that any of the bills I’ve listed have no chance of selling, feel free to tell me. I trust your opinion and it’s just less work for me in the long run. Haha. Thanks again.

    – Nick

    • Hi Nick! Thanks for getting the ebook and it looks like you’re having fun with the hunt!

      You’re also looking for patterns which is good.

      They all have some story but I’d try selling the 92961999 bill and the 12345632 bill first. Those seem to be the ones that stick out from what you have. (Also they’re $1 bills instead of $5 bills.)

      Also the more that you list the bills the better you get your process down for doing the listings; they’ll go faster as you do more.

      Have fun!!

  14. Randomly asked my bank for any two dollar bills the other day, and they had a 2013 uncirculated sequential bank wrap with the serial numbers L24000001A through L24000100A.

    Not sure if the bookend 24000024, the radar 24000042, or the 24 million +1 would be worth anything… is it better to leave it as a sequential set, or to break it up into groups?

    Just curious… this is my first endeavor into fancy serial numbers, that will most likely turn into an addiction. Lol. Thanks.

    • OK, if there was any doubt, I’ll clarify: This is known as “winning.”

      Wow, what a great find!

      If they’re uncirculated it may be worth having the nice ones graded by PCGS or some other reputable grading service.

      Honestly? With regard to selling the bills all at once or piecemeal, I don’t know which way would be better! The premium for packs of consecutive bills is about $40 per pack. If you list them as a pack, I’d aim really high to start. At least a grand. Also accept offers. That does entail risk, because you’d be shipping $200 in cash in the mail.

      Mailing a single $2 bill, not so much. The radar and bookend bills are fancy. You may be able to get something for a random bill out of the lot, like 24000057. If that’s the case, and you can sell them for $7.99 each, then just rinse and repeat, and smile.


  15. Awesome! Yup, I’m hooked on fancy serial number searching!

    Once I saw what the teller brought out and caught a glimpse of the number I cringed a little when I saw her flip through the bills real quick like a old flip comic book checking to see if they were indeed sequential. There are a few very minor raised edges on the first few bills, but no folds or creases… otherwise they are all untouched and uncirculated.

    After a careful inspection, there are a few with green ink bleed over showing on the backs of some of the bills… but just around the perimeter corner edges… I’ll definitely make sure to preserve them properly and research them more…

    Which number out of the set would you venture to guess might fetch the highest premium? As in; which should I perhaps try to send for grading?

    Thanks again!

    • Radar bills sell easily, so that would be my first candidate.

      Just be absolutely sure to factor in all of the costs before doing that. You may be able to get most of the way simply by describing the condition of the bill, then letting the buyer take the financial risk of grading it.

      A single PCGS grading isn’t cheap ($25 if you’re willing to wait weeks-plus to get the bill back). But if you’re confident it will grade well, then this would probably pay off for you. PCGS talks about what makes a 60 vs. 65 and higher on their website. Just don’t beat up the bill in the meantime. 🙂

  16. I’m still trying to research what is the best way to store it… as a bep wrap, or take out just the radar and bookend… find some kind of book for all… have anything graded or none at all… until I randomly came across this set, I’ve never looked twice at a bill or it’s serial number! Lol. This is a whole new exciting world of collecting. At least the radar and bookend are a little deeper in the pack, so any inadvertant mishandling by the bank tellers, which could devalue its uncirculated status, should be kept to a very bare minimum.

    Thank you for all your great advice! I’ll definitely be looking further into what to do with the set, and will definitely try not to do anything that could compromise the bill.

  17. I have a $100 bill with a serial number that matches the War in Afghanistan from 1839-2011. I thought it was interesting and am just seeing if youband interested in it?

  18. Hi John Wedding:

    I’m back and I hope you can tell me something about the 2013 $1 with
    serial # L 76666667 H. Thanks

  19. Is this considered FANCY?
    $5 bill 2003 series A
    Serial # FB93846753A

  20. I have 2 * note $1 bills that are all same number except last number I’m missing the in between one the the serial # are A05943194* and A05943196*

  21. Hello John, I have a 2004 star note $20 bill serial #EF05162659* and a $1 bill serial#F08091990L. Could they be worth something?

    • The $1 is a birthday bill (you probably saw that). That would be worth something to the right person (someone with that birthday or a loved one with that birthday).

      As for the $20, just the star note part?

  22. Hi John:

    I’m addicted to looking at every bill in my purse. I have this $1 serial number
    I 85888988 B. Will this be consider a high serial number? Please let me know if I should keep or spend lol. Thanks

  23. Hi there! I haven’t been on for awhile but I’m still collecting different bills with serial numbers. I have a 20 dollar bill with 25322353 and another 20 dollar bill with 12123223, a dollar bill with 233311119 and a dollar bill with 27007006….and some dollar bills beginning in 000 and some ending in 000…I also have 11121312

    • Hahaha that’s awesome! Glad you’re having fun!

      A bill starting with 00 or 000 could sell as a low serial number *if* there is something special about the other digits, like there’s a year in there, a bunch of 7s, etc.

  24. Hello, I found a few things I have a $5 bill MG 29090299C from 2013 and just curious if this was a high number note for a $20 MG91999823C. I also just found a $100 star note with low numbers which was a first run so any info would be helpful, thanks. Forgot to leave the years for the 20 dollar bill is from 2013 and $100 bill star is from 2009 and starts off with 0005.

    • The $5 is a trinary bill (three digits). The $20 has four 9’s but is not particularly a “high serial number note.” You’d want something at least like 999xxxxx.

      The $100 is worth a second look. The star is fairly rare and the serial number is reasonably low 0005xxxx.

  25. Hello, I found a few things I have a $5 bill MG 29090299C from 2013 and just curious if this was a high number note for a $20 MG91999823C. I also just found a $100 star note with low numbers which was a first run so any info would be helpful, thanks. Forgot to leave the years for the 20 dollar bill is from 2013 and $100 bill star is from 2009 and starts off with 0005.

  26. I have 5$ bill 1985 year, with all 7s.
    It looks old, but not that bad, how much that may cost and where I can sell it. Thank you

  27. Hi John

    I have three star notes and would like your opinion.

    series 2003 $5 MB 05051617* which shows a month, date and year.

    series 2006 $1 L 09770488*

    series 2003 $1 L 11366562*

    I also have series 2003 $1 A 03000446 D


  28. Hi Mr. Wedding, how are you?

    I have a $1 bill series No.: E 16555999E and another $1 bill with an irregular left margin, will they have any market value? Thanks for your help.

  29. Hi John, Found an interesting $10 US bill with the serial number MF 44244474 and dated . I’m wondering if this is a keeper or not? I’ve been checking the serial numbers for years now and this is the best one so far, for I usually don’t keep a ton of cash on hand. Just thought I’d ask. Best regards, Crystal Jabs

  30. Hey John. I have a $20 bill with serial number 44444442 which I believe is a near solid. About how much would one like this go for?
    Thank you for your time 😀

    • Wow, that sure is! A lot depends on the condition of the bill but a circulated bill with that number should go for quite a bit. My e-book explains how to determine market value for these kinds of bills.

  31. Hi John, I’ve been reading the difference categories to fancy bank notes above and trying to figure out to which the below falls in and I’m still confused. I’m trying to learn the difference. Any ways can you please tell me what categories the below $ bills fall in if any. Thanks

    Series 2003 E 00172311 E
    Series 2003 C 73619361 B

  32. Ok, John… I’ve got one for you. I have it posted on EBay right now for $190, and hoping it goes UP UP UP! I posted it not due to the Serial Number, but due to the Bank.

    $5 – 1929 National Currency – The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Missouri
    (only 276,000 printed, I believe – the lowest of all 1929 $5 FRBNs)
    Serial Number – H00228300A

    Do you think the Serial Number will up the value??? Thanks!!!

  33. I’ve got another that I have my eye one…
    Series 1935G Silver Certificate
    S/N – C 04999965 J

    Thank that one might sell well?

  34. Hi again! I just found another dollar bill hat I thought was unique! Wanted to get your thoughts! Thank you so much!! It is 49490000.

  35. I have a $5 with MH00136136B H8 2013 series was wondering if it’s worth anything and where I could sell it if it is? Thank you

  36. hello john. i am new to collecting paper money as i normally collect coins. but i was looking at some dollar bills i found and came across a 1995 1 dollar bill serial number 77777770 i was just wondering if that was something somebody would want. thanks man.

  37. I have a 1 dollar bill serial# 81448418 & a 5 dollar bill serial# 77977997 & a 20 dollar bill serial #84448844 & a 5 dollar bill serial#00000565 could you tell me if any ate valuable?

    • Those are all interesting. The last one is definitely a low serial number. The second and third are binary bills. Always worth a shot selling them. You can go on your own or check out my ebook for a process that ensures you won’t lose money if it sells.

  38. Hey John OK so I have four dollar bills serial numbers are K 29888845 G… K 29888846 G… K29888847 G…. and K 29888848 G…. what can you say about these one dollar bills in sequence

  39. HI,

    Does an the date of the note affect value also? I have
    $5 1995 -77898192
    $1 1988 A- 22462633
    $100 1996- 01229655 ☆
    $1- 30500001

    Thank you =]

  40. HI John..i have a few bills with some Interesting serial numbers, what do you think…A 88088008 C…L 18081018 Q.. F44225452L…..C12005511 C…..E77893456H….G00655700B…..L012232222G….thanks…

  41. Hello again, I have a 2013 1dollar bill F11313133E….i think it’s pretty cool considering all over this 2013 billl….what do you think…much value maybe

  42. Hi , I found a 5$ bill with this serial number on it
    MF 11883311 B
    F6 and it’s a 2013 series
    Can you tell me anything about it? Is it worth anything?

  43. Hi John I have a Dollar Bill with the serial number G 77777577 F It also has the number 7 four times around the corner of the bill. What kind of value would you put on this bill?
    Thanks for your help

  44. Hi i have a good shape 100 dollar bill i have quite afew interesting older bills to never really check there seriel numbers though but this one kinda stuck out to me not old but needing some money badly is it worth anything extra and how do i go about selling my. Stuff oh thed seriel number is lk22944229d and is a new 100

  45. I’m noticing a bunch of people just trying to get appraisals in the comments and was wondering if you actually buy and or deal in these or if you’re just kind of fascinated with numbers in general and that’s why you wrote the article? I’ve only really found one or two dealers online and I’m not really impressed with them. It seems these two dealers want to charge $2.50 to appraise a bill and then offer you $3 or $4 for bills they sell on their sites for $20. Got any pointers on other routes to go about setting a price and where to sell if one were to want to sell bills?

    • That’s a great question, Nicholas. (If I need to set the record straight a little more clearly, I’ll be happy to do so.)

      I’ve always been fascinated with numbers. I hadn’t really thought much about the collectibility of fancy serial number bills until relatively recently.

      Treasure-hunting for these kinds of bills really only takes time, because $1 is still worth $1 regardless of the serial number. So, in a way, this appeals to me.

      Nothing I state in the comments should be considered to be an appraisal. If I do throw out a number (which is more the exception than the rule) it’s because I see what the market has priced the bill at, and suggest strongly that it would be worth trying to sell it. For other “kinda cool” bills but not necessarily “Wow!” bills, it could have value to someone, or not. They’re harder to sell, but not particularly costly to sell if you do it right.

      As for my own activity in the market, I’ve bought one bill and sold one bill. The bill I bought happened to have the date of my twentieth wedding anniversary on it, so I bought to keep for sentimental reasons. I currently have two for sale, but haven’t had any bites yet. I haven’t had any particular good fortune finding clear “winner” bills, but I do enjoy looking for them.

      Other than this, pretty much everything I know about these bills, and everything I do to try to profit from these bills, is in my ebook.

  46. I have a 2013 one dollar bill..i think this is a awesome serial number what do you think 20182019…this must be worth something good.

  47. Hi John I just came across this bill the other day it is a super repeater $1 bill serial number E02020202E. I know that super repeaters are worth more than face value but does it also increase the value if the first and last letters are the same. I can’t seem to find anything about how to put a value on this dollar online and was wondering if you had any idea as to its Rarity or value thank you

  48. Hi i have a few $1 bills and curious to know if maybe i found some good serial numbers…
    G 77733773 H
    B 02344444 E
    K 03071969 F
    D 02141967 A
    B 05050050 *

    • Stephanie, I think every one of those is great.

      A couple of binaries, a 5/8 solid, and two great birthday bills!

      I’m almost positive you can get more than a buck for each of those.

      Follow the process in my ebook and let me know how it goes! (Check here)

      • One is also Valentine’s Day! You say they look great so sounds great to me! I will definitely let you know something if i am able to figure it out! Lol

        Thanks bunches!

  49. these are all 1 dollar bill serial numbers nd year are any of these rare or worth more ?
    11111229C 2009
    F44554186F 2013
    C33254540B 2009
    G41455541H 2003A
    B75787484K 2009
    E07217300B 2013
    D52795892E 2009
    D86343478F 2006
    F35808277C 2009
    F17994040M 2013
    L43747579G 2013
    B51315927J 2006
    F00484827E 2009
    H00279596â­’ 2009

  50. I have three I have been wondering about. They are
    2013 B06517572 star note
    2006 D87878768
    2013 B00247771
    Any info would be appreciated and thank you!

  51. Hi John,

    I have a Series 2009 $1 bill with the serial number F 1777774 M. I know that seven of the same digit is a near solid. Does six of the same have a name? Also does the fact that all of the 7’s are consecutive help instead of being split into say a group of four and two? Perhaps Washington and the year 1777 are a good combo. Additionally, the federal reserve branch code is 6, so six 7’s might be something.

    As far as selling, does Ebay generally produce a higher sale than say directly to a dealer? And if you sell on Ebay, is auction or fixed price better?

    Thanks for the insight, John

    • The six 7’s still would be called near-solid. Those sell pretty regularly. (I sold a five 7’s bill.)

      As rare as yours is, some other collectors/dealers I checked don’t appear interested in them. They’re looking for 7/8 near-solid bills. (Not to say that they don’t exist, just that I haven’t run across them yet off of eBay.)

      An eBay auction might do well for a purely spectacular bill, but for yours, I’d do fixed-price. Set it higher than you’ll think it will go, and then negotiate through Best Offer.

  52. I have a 20$ bill ML 69699991 I wondering if its worth selling and if so a fair price to list it. I greatly enjoyed your information and look forward to hearing from ya even if its not worth a dime. The second I saw it I googled your blog/page as ive enjoyed them in the past. Best wishes and happy hunting!!

    • Well, it’s worth $20 for sure!

      Hard to say. It does have five 9’s, but the fact that it’s a $20 bill rather than a $1 bill does make it a bit tougher to sell. Any fanciness in the serial number adds to the face value of the bill. It doesn’t multiply the value of the bill.

  53. Hello John, I want to get your thoughts on a few serial numbers I find interestingr.
    1) $1- C64667755C
    2) $1- L59777059I
    3) $1- C32532932C
    4) $1- E20203636E
    5) $1-E02885899*
    6) $5- 77797375
    7) $5- 94722221

    Thank you!!

  54. these are all one dollor bills

  55. Hey John,
    I skimmed my bills quick to see what I have and I found I have a 1996 50 with serial number AB98277749D, I also have two others with 3 7’s but not even two 7’s are next to each other.

  56. I have a dollar bill and cannot get any info on it could u please help??? Its a 2013 series star note with serial number K 26300000

  57. Hi there! I haven’t been on for awhile but wanted to share a recent 20.00 bill I recently found. The serial number is IF 66433466. No matter which way you read it, it reads the same.

  58. i have a 2009 series$1with code B00007837J
    and a2013 series $5 bill code MG25349991C
    also a $1 2013 series D12618020D
    and a $5 2009 series JC42675387A but the 7 is fancier
    i also have a $1 2003A series G41455541H, a $1 2009 series A11111229C and a $1 2009 series H00279596 * star note

    are any of these worth saving mabe and i question for you i have knowtest that some of the #s in the serial number are like a different darkness or bold but not all the # are bolded or fancy does that have any meaning of being speacial

  59. i have a 2009 $1.00 bill and its serial number F55552803I , and some2013 series $1.00 bill s serial numbers are K17333127A , , D12618020D ,F22913136F and B08239936C ,but this last one has a purple stamp on it with 0100

  60. Hi John
    I have a 2003 $1 serial # B 51795178 G – this serial # interesting
    and 2003 $1 serial # E 45451245 F
    What can you tell me about these serial #’s above. Thanks!

  61. Hi John:

    I sent the below from my job about a week ago receiving a message “waiting for moderation”. I probably received message due to sending from work computer.
    Any ways can you tell me something about the two $ bills below. Thanks

    both 2003 E 45451345 F and B 51795175 G this one is kind of cool

  62. i have some 2013 series $1 serial #’s J88199930B ,G49938392B, F54031683C, E45417949D.and then along with the others D41542216F and D41542218F . and some 2013 $5 MD41882393B, MB72244349C
    I have series 2009 $5 serial # JB 46868596A

  63. Hi John,

    Great site. We are just starting our serial number search and love it. Please help. What would we call this $1 K00660060D? Binary flipper repeater? 😳😝 Thank you for your time!

    • Ooooh, a bill from the future! I like it! So, with inflation, it’s worth about 0.2 cents?

      (Just joking with you.)

      The serial number is kinda meh, and a $20 will have the same markup as a $1 based on the serial number.

      I’d spend that one.

  64. Thank you for all you do to help us weirdos I subscribed as well to your ebooks. I have a c note
    Df 45959901 b f6

    One dollar 17288728 f
    One dollar d 60010838 b I believe this one can be read upside down 2009 year

    Tyy sooo much

  65. Hi John,

    I was lucky enough to receive a $10 bill series 2009 in change with the serial number JG 00000001*.
    It seems to be in almost uncirculated condition. Any thoughts on possible value?

  66. Love your site, is there any place to make a donation for the great information given on your site?…
    I have a $1 * note 2013 L 00038190 from what I can understand if all of the information I have read I might have one that may be above face value…?. Possibly, …
    I guess just looking for confirmation on that… Lol
    Thank you

  67. I have few 2013 $1 bills the
    1: SERIAL # L00907600E
    2: SERIAL # E23545554J
    3: SERIAL # G77594888F
    4:SERIAL #L43468334T

  68. I have 2 1 dollar bills ,first one 77777769 ,second one 11111000 …………..what do you think are they worth more?

  69. Hi there! I have a really nice 20.00 bill with a serial number 66433466 and was wondering if it is a radar bill. If so, is it worth keeping? Thank you so much!

  70. I have a 2006 one dollar bill with the serial number G86886886G. I got it as change from a guy at a flee market and it was wrapped in a plastic money protector. I think it might be a radar repeater serial number but I would love any and all info opinions on it! Thanks!

  71. So i have several serial numbers In question

  72. I’m looking for a ballpark answer on a bill that’s near all 7’s specifically seven 7s that are in a row… 1k? More/less?

  73. I have a series 2001 $1 that I think might interest fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. It has a serial number of G 00000042 B from the Chicago district. I have it protected in a plastic sleeve in a display on my office wall. It was received in change back around 2005 or so. I just happened to check the numbers when I got it and set it aside because it was so odd.

    You would think that it would be my lowest numbered banknote, but that is not the case. Thirteen years ago, I bought a series 1929 $20 with a serial number of 00000036 from the National Bank of Appleton, Wisconsin. A local coin dealer put it out in a case, it caught my eye with all of the 0s and I paid $30 for it as it was at best a grade of VF. He bought it for face value, so he was happy to sell it for that. You never know when you might run across an odd serial number on an old note.

    I also have a strange high number series $1 with serial number 89998666 from the New York district in my stash. Most people that I show it to will not touch it because of the three 6s in a row. Technically, it shows that configuration either right side up or upside down. I call it a double devil dollar because of that issue. That was another one that I picked up in change randomly and set aside. My advice is to keep checking your money as it can happen at anytime.

  74. I have 4 $1 notes:
    D00696873* 2013 series,
    K11296419* 2013 series,
    L11771116 B 2013 series,
    L26999686 T 2013 series.
    Any Value other than face?

  75. Hello your expertise would be highly appreciated I have a $100 2013 bill with the serial number 88929288
    Is it worth anything other than face value?

  76. Hello John. How are you. I have a question which I hope you can answer. I recently got a one (1) dollar bill will an unusual serial number that caught my attention. It’s 55525551. I do not know if it is worth anything. If so , could you give me a estimate of its worth and where I could sell it? I found the most information on your page. I have been looking for awhile. Thank you for your time. It is appreciated.


  77. Hi I like your work, man I found a bill with the number D0118811 it is not an american dollar but i would like to know if this is collectable. (it was close to be a radar bill). Best regards

  78. Hey John, I have a 2013 1.00 note that has serial # G00016111B is it low enough to be worth anything. Thanks, Richard

  79. Hi John
    I have 3 dollar Bills with these serial numbers:
    20$ ( ML 05779779*)
    10$ ( ML 44444996B)
    5$ ( MK 86863565C)
    and a coin with error that says ( N GOD WE RUST) the letter T kind of looks but u need to focus on that to see it.
    Are these worth it?

  80. Hi John,
    I have a $10 bill 2013 series MD 39998883 B. I believe it is a binary with bookends. Also in the top left serial # the second 8 is lower then the rest of the line numbers. Weird… What do you think it is worth?

    Thank you!

  81. Hey! I have a
    $100 bill LH 00195500 B
    $20. bill EL 1700024 F
    sounds like winners to me..
    What u think?

  82. I have a $20 star note serial number is JG00238176. Ive been trying to research it and find anything on it and if its worth more then what it is. Maybe you could help me.

  83. I do have posted on ebay on 00000001 $5.00 bill fancy note……i know how hard these are to find and just wanted to give everyone a heads up…..thank you

  84. Hello, I found a us $1 note with the serial #’s 17853105…05/32/1785…& looked up that date n history & a lot of things happened on that day. Think it might be worth keeping? I always come to your site to check out all the cool stuff! Thanks,

  85. I found a 2006 $20 Dollar Bill *Note with Serial Number IG 002506060 * also a 2013 $1 Dollar Bill with Serial Number
    B 153472906 F and also a 1969 D $1 Dollar Bill Federal Reserve of San Francisco Serial Number L 024224406 D
    So i would like to know if there worth anything..??

  86. What do you think about the Serial Number L 73233633 I I’d like to know what’s your thoughts if you don’t mind. Thanks Brandi

  87. I have 2 $1 haven’t mentioned exactly..fed is H11448888A with a stamp FW (a large) I 71..strange to me..the second is A66884499B.. What could be the approximate worth if any?

  88. Hi there. Very interesting article and a good read. I have 2 one dollar bills I’ve kept, is the first one considered a binary flipper?

    First one is 2013 serial L60000666S

    Second is 2017 serial F53533335B

    Thanks in advance.

  89. Hi John,
    I haven’t visited in awhile due to being busy with work and school. I have a star note
    A00232019* series date 2013
    It can be a birthday of February 3, 2019. Also, I checked this date for special events and the Super Bowl LIII event that occurred on this date. Any ways, what do you think about a star note ending in “2019”.

  90. Hello!
    I have a few Bill’s and just learning about the serial numbers. I too, am interested in numbers as I find them fascinating!
    I have a $5 serial number
    MB22100882D 2013
    Also a $20 Serial Number
    IF51641253G 2006
    Any advice?

    Thank You!

  91. I have a $1 bill with this serial number its a 2013
    J 91858591 C
    What does this serial number fall under?

    How much is it worth and where to sell it at?

  92. has anyone noticed on a 1953 $2 dollar bill on the back is a picture of monticello well i was looking closer with a magnifier lens and maybe im just tripping but it looks like there is a shadow of a person looking out one of the windows..its one of the windows on the right side of the bill where there are 2 windows next to a door. its the one with a bush under it. it looks like a shadow of a person looking out the window..or maybe its just a dirtmark on my bill lol..either way if theres anyone that sees what i see please let me know, also i have a 2009 $2 dollar bill with the serial number A 03601974 A….so could that be 3/6/1974 could it be worth more than face value cuz of the 1974?

  93. John,
    I have three $1 bills that I was wondering about, first is a trinary number with a pair, quad, pair – 44888833, the second is a near repeater star note – 08190219 and the third is has three sets of doubles – 9559947 ….what is your opinion of the bills? I also bought your ebook (which contained a lot of helpful information) but I couldn’t find anything in reference to the pair, quad, pair number, very interesting to me but unsure of its nature of rarity.

  94. I have a one dollar bill with serial number E00963000*
    I was wondering if that is worth anything if so I can I know where and how much to sell

  95. Hello John,
    This is the first time on your site and had no idea of numbers on bill having so much meaning. I have a 1969 D One dollar bill with the serial number; G11151111A. The 1969 was the year I graduated High School and probably why I have kept is so long. I have heard of liars poker and having a dollar bill with 7 Aces, pretty cool.

  96. hi I really just wasn’t to know if a $50 bill with the serial 19868169 is worth keeping since it’s the same set of Numbers repeated just the 2nd one is in a different order and the 1st half is a birthday Or special date to a Collector But $50 is not easy to hang on to when you really could use it so it’s not really worth holding on to I’d rather put it towards bills

  97. Hey there! If you wouldnt mind sharing, I’d love to get your opinion/advice on Trinary notes. I’ve got a $5 ME 09303993 D 2013 Series.

    I like finding fancy serial numbers and old paper and coin money to put in my daughter’s piggy bank. Every year I start her a new one, and she isn’t allowed to open any of them until she’s 22.(Shes only 2 currently) That way anything worth value I find now, multiplies for her over 20 years.

    So my question to you is this: In your opinion, based on serial number, is it fancy enough to sell at a higher than face value currently? And regardless of that, what do you think I should do with it? Post it to sell or save it for my babygirl to try her hand at it in 20 years? Lol

  98. Hello John Wedding I have a $5 bill series 2013 with the serial number:
    ML 19119111 I …I was blown away a little bit realizing the increase of number of 1s PLUS the letter “I” not only LOOKS like a 1 but is also the 9th letter in alphabet. Any idea value and to whom maybe interested?!?

    • Hi Ryan. The consecutive serial numbers are pretty common (that’s how they are delivered fresh to the bank). The other serial number is 5/8 solid but it’s also a $50 bill, which makes it worth less of a premium to collectors.

    • Charlee, it’s a fun hobby, isn’t it? You can keep or spend that one as you like but it will be tough to sell that one for profit. ($20 bills command less of a premium than $1 bills with the same serial.)

  99. I have a 5 dollar bill , the number is 24866486. Is it worth anything? If it means anything it has all even numbers.

  100. Hey John, Good site, good host. I’ve got an interesting one dollar bill with Wild Bill Hickok’s “dead
    man’s hand”; two 8s, and 6 Aces (1s). Just thought I’d share.

  101. crisp uncirculated 2009 100 dollar bill. serial 27700772 any idea what it would be worth? any significance to double zero in center with “lucky paired 7’s” and dueces on the outside? seems like an appealing palindrome. it is very hard to find examples of high denomination bills selling on ebay or auction. seems like the collectors are more interested in lower denominations. your thoughts?

  102. John,
    I have a few $20’s NJ39953333A (2017), NC44110888F (2017) , $5 ME49000009D (2013) and a $1 B43366774D (2013). Are these worth keeping?

  103. I am curious as to the value of some of my Bills: A06061996A, E15591557D, C11515051E, A00455843*, F11735796*, B11646480*, K06721907*. B50007005E, B6335377F, B22528885F ( The first 5 is Bold),I 22999332B, D24222999A, L13652111G, B66766688E, B60869993B, F02365757A, G78775673B ( all are $1.00 Bills). These are $2.00 Bills H30626976A and F66991369A

  104. I have a $1bill H series 2017 with I believe to be considered a fancy serial number 36263626….could it be a good sell to a collector?

  105. Hi i have a $1 bill 2013 series. L01261986. I searched and on this date in history (1/26/1986), it happneed to be the super bowls.
    “In the end, their bite was even better than their bark. In New Orleans, the place that invented jazz, the fat lady sang early, before halftime. With only a roof separating them from a full moon, the best team in football, perhaps one of the best teams ever in football, won Super Bowl XX by beating the New England Patriots 46-10. Kevin Butler`s field goal brought the Bears their first lead late in the first quarter and then the Patriots could do little more than cover their heads and take their punishment.”
    Any idea how much this would be worth?

  106. Hey I have 2 $100 bills in sequence from series 2017 a. The serial numbers are
    Are they worth anything together?

  107. I have a 2013 1$ bill serial number 11110000 can you tell me a ball park value? It is not uncirculated but I would say it would be a good 7 out 10 and that’s a guess I would leave a pic, if I could on this but I don’t see where I can. Ty for your time ! And your info above

  108. I have a series 2017a $1 star note from San Francisco with one star that’s almost completely solid an the other is hollow… Is this worth anything being so new?

  109. Hi, I have a $100 dollar bill with all the same number “7” in serial number. It came in a brand new stack from the bank when I ordered a large amount of cash. Its ,as I would consider, in perfect pristine condition, I see no defects with the bill at all. A friend told me it may be worth alot of money. Can you tell me where to start or what yo do with it. Would you be interested in it. THANKS ahead of time for answering.

  110. I’ve just started checking my coins and bills for oddities, I’ve been to several sites with information, thanks you for yours. The following 3 is the closest I’v found to anything I thought might be worth more than face value. Im not asking how uch is it worth. What I’m asking is am I right? Is the billworth more than a dollar or is it another close but no cigar bill
    It’s federal reserve note B 36666664 B

    Since I’m not tech inclined, I’m not sure what you want in te Website?

  111. This is the most helpful site I have been too. I am very grateful to you for the time you take to help others. I just wanted to say Thanks!

  112. I have a 20/20 book end $20 (20136520…2017 year), I wondered if the book end 20s on a 20 made for a higher price…

    I also have a $5 11410100 bill….

    I’d be interested if these are worth selling or not

  113. Hello John,

    First off i want to send my condolences to you and yours. I dont have FB so i decided to type in some digits and i thank you and appreciate your time and info in advance. First of 2 20dollar bills.
    ND76177777. PK08220822
    1 Dollar notes E38400843A and
    L57477574N. Thank you sir and will check out the book for sure.

  114. I have a $5 bill that has the serial number 1million, PH 01,000,000 A
    It is definitely 1 in a million! What’s it worth?

  115. Hi John, I have a $1 dollar bill with number 87777726. I just recently learned that some currency are worth $. Which prompted me to Start going thru my huge piggy bank weeks ago weeks ago. I’ve been trying to research and learn. But brand new. And there’s a lot lol.

  116. I’ve got a star $1 bill with sn: F 00020002. Pretty cool. The sum of all eight numbers is only 4. Where’s the easiest place to sell it?
    Thank you.

  117. A store owner knows that I collect currency and was wondering if a $20 bill was worth more than face value. Its a Series 1993, signed by Mary Ellen Withrow, Treasurer of the United States and also signed by Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary of the Treasury. The Serial Number is L05106131B. I’m considering buying it from him and want to pay fair market value. Have you any idea what its worth is? I don’t use Facebook, so referring me there is useless.

    Thank you.

  118. I have a $1 bill with serial number # 11111134. Should I keep it for a conversation piece, and is it worth anything. Thanks


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