Here’s a furlough pay calculator

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My recent post on running a practice month on a furlough budget had a comment from Dan:

I created a furlough calculator for everyone I work with. It quickly made its way around the globe and many civil service employees are using it to project the near future. It is a simple excel spreadsheet that people can plug their current information in from their LES and it’ll automatically compute their furlough amounts. The calculator is available [here].

I downloaded the calculator.  It works not only with Excel, but also with Open Office.

It's very detailed, clear and easy to use, and has the kinds of deductions that a federal employee would expect on their leave and earnings statement.  It prints on a single page.

I recommend running the numbers if you're looking at a furlough — especially if you're a Department of Defense or Federal Aviation Administration employee and are looking at a whopping twenty-two furlough days.  (Update May 26 2013:  This is now down to eleven days.)

Furlough is bad news, but the sooner you internalize the shortfall, the more time you have to prepare, and the less of a shock it will be.

And thanks to Dan, calculating the reduced paycheck amount is free with this furlough pay calculator, and all laid out for you.  Take advantage of it!

6 thoughts on “Here’s a furlough pay calculator”

  1. My next door neighbor works for a company that provides work to the Department of Defense, and is likely to get furloughed, so hopefully they’ve worked with something like this to see how their income will be affected.

  2. will there be a way for us fed employees to recoup the money we lose on furlough days once this is over??????

    • Thanks, the calculator works well. I too would like to furlough those that caused the economic crisis; but don’t kill the messenger.

  3. As predicted by an officemate… the calcualator no longer exists… the links in this article point you to a page ‘under developement’… more hidden information by our federal governement!


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