Yard sale finds this weekend

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The weather this weekend in the Northern Neck of VA was the best it had been for most of the month. Birds were chirping, squirrels were squirreling, and vultures were yard-saling.

Here's what we picked up:

  • A small child-sized recliner for $10 (they retail for $100) at one sale
  • Two toddler dance outfits ($45+ retail each), toddler tights, and some other stuff for $20 at another sale
  • A wooden magnetically-linked train set with lots of track and extras for $5. The plastic container it came in was worth $5
  • A turtle sandbox for $2
  • Several hundred dollars' worth of beads for $30. Plus she threw in some fabric

Here's what we didn't pick up:

  • A couple of competition bows for $85. One was probably worth $500 but without having an expert there it was too much to risk.

By the way, this month's Reader's Digest had a letter to the editor regarding last month's “Treasure Hunt” C.F. Payne art. It shows a woman at a yard sale scrutinizing a small, cheap plastic bust of (presumably) a dead composer. The treasure, though, is right at her feet. (Can you recognize it?)

It reminds me of when my grandfather found a piece of antique Steuben art glass amongst a table full of glassware. All of the glasses were marked 25 cents or 50 cents, and the one my grandfather bought was worth about $150.

Have fun!

6 thoughts on “Yard sale finds this weekend”

  1. Love garage sales! Don't forget to re-invent garage sale items. My best buy was a very small piece of exercise equipment that you stand on and twist (like a lazy susan) for a quarter. It's new home is under my bedroom TV which now swivels between the bed and the chair. I also buy anything cheap with casters- casters have 1001 uses and are very expensive new.

  2. Pingback: Free Money Finance
  3. Love Garage and Estate Sales! We picked up a HUGE set of Noritake Stoneware for $30. Looks like we could resell for several hundred if we wanted to!! I think we will hang on to them though… we needed new dishes!


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