Currency errors can be big bucks. And they may already be in your wallet …
I've been in the habit of asking for funny money when I go to our credit union. It's fun to spend money that's a little unusual. In the past, I've withdrawn a substantial number of $2 bills, a bunch of $1 bills, and a bunch of half dollars.
After getting the bills home, I could see that there weren't any red-seal $2 bills, but they're still neat to spend. Since I didn't really know too much about what kinds of currency errors were out there, I checked on eBay to see what people were selling. Here's what I found in the way of currency errors.
A big thank-you to for allowing use of their pictures!
Misalignment currency errors
Normal notes have an even border around the engraved picture on the front and back. Sometimes the framed part of the bill gets off alignment, and you'll have uneven borders, a chopped-off design, or even part of the next note's picture on it.
Misalignment in one of the printings
The green seal that overlaps the spelled-out denomination to the right of the portrait on the front, as well as the serial numbers on the bills, are applied in the third printing. (The first and second are back and front, I believe.) If this printing is misaligned, the seal will be off-center, or the serial numbers will overlap some other part of the bill's design. (One of the 1976 $2 bills I got has a misaligned seal.)
Ink smears
Just like what it sounds: black ink applied during the printing process gets loose on the bill. Each intaglio press uses over a ton of ink per hour and the ink on each printing takes three full days to dry, so it's tough to avoid smearing on every single bill.
Printing on the wrong side
Sometimes the seal and serial number are printed on the reverse rather than the obverse. Although the process of printing currency has a lot of automation, there's still has been some necessary manual handling of the sheets of bills within the process. If sheets were dropped and picked up in the stack upside down, then the printing will be flipped on the bills.
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Gutter folds or butterfly folds
If the note gets a fold in it during the printing process, part of the note's design will be offset from the other part. Gutter folds go from one side of the note to the other, and butterfly folds go from one side to a perpendicular side.
Miscut bills
Have you ever gotten a magazine in which you had to tear apart some of the pages because they weren't cut perfectly? Some notes come out that way. If so, there might be an extra flap on one corner of the bill.
Light or missing design
If the application of the front printing is poor, the seal and serial numbers will stand out more than normal. It's caused by interrupted ink flow to the plates, or light pressure in the intaglio process.
Mismatched series
The letter in the black seal and the letter preceding the upper right and lower left serial numbers should all be the same. However, sometimes they're not.
Mismatched serial numbers

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The serial numbers on the bills uniquely identify each bill. They are printed mechanically like just everything else about the bill. Since the serial number is printed twice on some bills, one serial number imprint may advance correctly, but not the other. This results in a mismatch if not caught.
There's a fair bit of interest in currency errors so check your wallet to see if you have some extra cash hiding in there!
I hav a 10$ bill from an atm in 1988 .front of bill normal back of bill is missing half of the print on top of back of bill
I hav a 10$ bill from an atm in 1988 .front of bill normal back of bill is missing half of the print on top of back of bill.. what is it worth
Hi Jody,
You mentioned you had a $10 bill that was missing ink on one side.. Do you still have this bill? And if so, are you willing to to sell it? Please, feel free to email me back at Heck, you can even text me at 850-903-1736. Thanks!
Megan S.
So are these currency errors more valuable due to their scarcity? I know baseball card errors used to have inflated values too.
Imagine getting a $10 bill from the supermarket and finding out it was worth far more than that because of a printing error!
i got a 10 dollar bill thats smaller than normal ones and the security strip is sticking out of bottom of bill
Mike says
“Imagine getting a $10 bill from the supermarket and finding out it was worth far more than that because of a printing error!”
Heck yes! A nice surprise to get but how do you cash in? Is eBay the place to sell your money?
I have a dollar bill that had a perfectly round dot under the top right serial number. Does it mean anything?
It would be hard to know without a picture. Head over to our friendly Facebook group and we’ll have a look!
Old dollar bills are without the slogan “in go we trust”
I have a $1 that is misprinted on the back. It was misaligned. How much is it worth? Great condition
A lot of it depends on the extent of the misprint. Head over to our friendly Facebook group and we’ll have a look!
I have a $10 bill with a lot of ink spots 2017
I have a one dollar bill and in the serial Number the second number is 6 and the upper right the 6 has a smear on the bottom and it looks darker. And the 6 in the bottom left it is darker. Just wondering is the worth anything more than 1.00
Does the smear look like a water stain?
I have a $1 bill that apparently had the paper folded as it went thru the press. When it is folded it looks normal, but unfold and it has a 1/2 gap with no print. It is still a crisp bill as well.
It could be an error. Maybe head over to the Facebook group and post a picture?
hi i have a 1 dollar bill which came though payroll on a cruise line in the 1980s is genuine as i was a bursar paying the wages, the bill is only printed on the front the back is completely empty no dates , has serial number on front in mint condition,live in uk and wondered if there was any value to it
Alex, I’d think that would be worth something more than a buck. Sounds like a missing design error.
Hi John if you don’t mind I have 2 questions I cannot seem to find answers for and am hoping maybe you can help me out.
1)I have a $20 bill and in one of the numbers in the serial numbers, the number 8, the top part of the 8 is solid green inked in. Is this something someone would even care to have or collect? or is this a nothing? I have never found another one like it on the web.
2nd) I have a $10 dollar bill that has the Orange on the obverse side that is very dark in Orange color, closest to the left side looking at it. Is this a solvent Ink smear?
Thank you for your time I hope you can answer this because it is making me a very curious person who would like to no…Thank you Kim
Hi Kim. I have a Facebook Group that you can join and post to; click here!
I have a :
$1- Serial # (B 90000003 H)
Worth anything?
Erick, nice bill. That’s a 6/8 near-solid (and six in a row). Love to have you come over to the Facebook group to show off a picture of it!
Hi I have a $20 bill with missing serial number well it’s partially there but most is gone
Huh, would need to see a picture. You can join Cool Serial on Facebook with this link and post it there:
I have a 1977 $20.00 were there is no top border but large bottom border on the bottom does this make my $20 worth more?
That sounds like a substantial miscut. What’s the condition of the bill?
I have a 2017 one dollar bill that is miscut or misaligned. On the front, the left side border is four times as thick as the right. Meaning the printing is slightly off certered to the right. Does this qualify? If so , how much could it be worth?
Michael, the miscut/misprint gets to be significant when some of the next bill shows up. This might have a slight value but if all of the borders are still there then it’s not a significant miscut.
I have a 2004 A 20 dollar bill missing the green seal as well as black ink from where it spells out “TWENTY” and reaches down to the signature of the sec. of the Treasury. And a double quad 2013 1 dollar bill with serial number 77778888
The error $20 is interesting. Those sound like substantial errors, especially the missing seal.
I don’t recall seeing any double quads on eBay recently! That’s actually more of a “fancy serial number” than an error. I do suspect that one would sell. Check out this post for more information on that:
Thank you very much for the information. Greatly appreciated.
I have 1991 one dollar bill with a ghost imprint of the front actually on the back. Can you tell me an estimated value. In very good condition.
There was a $10 bill ghost error recently that sold for about $110.
Other than that I have no idea. Try listing it and see!
I have a $1 bill with black seal overlapping green seal and the one on front 2003
Interesting! Do you have a picture of the bill?
I have bill in different denominations with unusual numbers. One has the serial numbers 59492989. I also have several single quads.
I have a miscut $10 bill would that be worth anything
Depends on how big the miscut is, the condition of the bill, etc.
I havee a 100$ bill off center in great condition. What do you think this is worth?
Hi Dustin – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a Uncirculated 2 dollar bill 1976 with the words Washington DC, right under the serial number, crookedly printed and kissing the last 2 numbers. Border is not cut evenly.
Also have several 1976’s in sequence with uneven borders.
Tky! ðŸ€
Cool! Check on eBay to see what errors like that sell for, if you want.
I have a 1917 dollar bill that has the back inverted. I have not been able to find any. What might this bill be worth?
1917 bills even without errors are worth something! I couldn’t find any either online.
Is the bill in good shape?
The bill is descent. I have not had it graded but I wold put it about a 35-40. Heritage auctions has had a few. 8 sales total in 17 years and of the 8 sales 2 of the bills have been sold multiple times. So there might be 4 to 6 bills that exist. The bill is authentic but still not sure of a value. Thanks for your time.ðŸ‘ðŸ¼ðŸ‘ðŸ¼
I have 3 2013 series one dollar bills with ink seepage from front to back from Washington’s coat spots on front of coat no ink
Interesting! You can give it a shot on eBay; describe the bill and start high.
I have a $1 bill the date is 2009 in great condition however the serial number is B 7556863 K (notice the space between B 7 & 3 K are different) there’s a single space between B 7 & a double space between 3 K it looks as if the number stamp didn’t have any ink on it, I have never ever seen a bill serial number like this and I’ve asked other collectors if they have and they to has never seen anything like it so I’m wondering if it would be worth anything?
That does sound like an error if one of the digits in the serial number is missing. I haven’t heard of that either. You can always list it (starting high) and then see what people offer.
I have a 20 dollar bill that has the face in the bill outlined on the front of the bill the second face that’s in the bill so people can’t counterfit, can you tell me if it’s worth anything
I’m pretty sure that bill is worth $20. What you’re describing sounds like the normal security features of the bill.
I have a 1 dollar bill with the serial number 88337700.. Is this anything special or worth more than a dollar.. Thank you in advance.. Scott
This is more of a fancy serial number thing but I do admit that four pair is neat! You can always try to sell it. But if it doesn’t, no worries; it’s worth a dollar regardless.
Hi there. I just got a $2 1953B red star note. It has a small line on the border white part in the center. Is this an error or do some bills have this line? I can’t seem to find info on this mark or what it is called? I’m lost here on if this normal or an error and if it adds value?
Just to clarify my previous question. The mark is directly below the middle of the “0” in the words Two Dollars on the bottom center of the bill in the white outline. It is a small vertical line definitely a printed line not a pen or anything.
The more obvious the error, the more it’s worth. You can always try to sell it but don’t be surprised if it’s not a striking enough error to be collectible.
I have a ten dollar bill that has a 100 in one of the corners. It looks real
Huh, haven’t heard of that kind of error. Be interested to see what it looks like!
honestly sounds like a real $10 bill that was only halfway through being made into a professional “counterfeit” $100 bill. I forget why, but I believe $10s are the cheapest choices that also have UV strip tests and the like.
I have a 1995 1 dollar bill that I’ve had since it first came out it is missing the third layer on front . Do you have any idea how much it would be worth?
Hi Michelle. What feature(s) of the design are missing?
I have a $5 bill that has the last number in serial number shifted lower/down . Not straight alligned with rest of serial number. Error ,yes….is there any value to this type of error?
Give it a shot! Just be sure to price it right.
I have a miscut 1969 A series $100 note. It’s in pretty good shape for any note that old. Should I spend the $ to have it graded?
Hard to say without seeing the bill (extent of the miscut, wear and tear on the bill, etc.) but you can probably get close to the grade with some research on your own. Then it’s a matter of seeing if it’s worth the premium that you might get from the error.
I have a 1985 five dollar bill that has no serial codes on the front of the bill. They are printed on the back side instead. Any value?
I’d think so! Sounds like a misprint error.
I have a 2001 20 dollar bill mis cut out mis aligned and it’s serial number is CL22772911B. Sounds like some 9/11/2001mumbo jumbo and the government going ha ha we put it in your money you idiots….
Sounds already like the makings of a story if you want to sell the bill!
I have a one dollar bill that is missing the outside border on the right- front of the bill. What info do you need off it in order to give a value for it
I think the best tack to take is research on eBay how much your error bill would tend to go for, and then list it for a price you’d be tickled to get. You can always lower the price later, or accept a lower offer. You probably can list it for as long as you want, and only pay eBay when it sells.
I have three $1 bills that are missing both the black and green seals. They do have serial numbers and are each sequential (separated by 100s). I haven’t been able to find any like them on eBay… everything I’ve seen that’s similar is either missing one of the seals or both seals AND serial numbers.
Sounds like some errors! Run them high on eBay and see if you get a buyer …
I was standing in line at Safeway tonight waiting my turn to pay. I slowly realized the twenty dollar bill in my hand looked funny. I realized it was an error of some sort and possibly worth a small fortune….to me it looks like the strip usually found inna twenty dollar bill was never laid into the bill. Like the machine didn’t catch the end of its roll before pausing and stamped the bill or whatever but its missing the strip….I can’t see with my eyes that it was done by hand or anything. There is some slight ink run off where there shouldn’t be etc…can somebody help me figure this out
Hmmmm, hard to tell without actually seeing the bill.
Does it have the design that’s characteristic for your bill’s year?
If it does, then check to see if the internal strip was a security feature for that year’s bill.
If it should have that strip in there, then … 🙁
I have a 2013 dollar bill the top serial # is j20 the 5 is higher up 67 r in line 172A r higher up…. j20567172A
Could be an error. Give it a try at selling it!
Hard to say without seeing a picture of it …
I have a $20.00 1934 says will pay to the borrow on demand. What may it be worth?
Possibly it says “Will pay to the bearer on demand”?
That’s an old bill; if it’s in good condition it may sell at a premium just for that fact.
I have a 1953 b 2 dollar bill that is very uneven, it is in uncirculated condition. There is about a half inch gap of blank space on the left from of the bill and and eighth inch on the right. The red seal is not right in the middle if the word 2. Any idea of value
Check the position of the features on the bill, then look to see what sells. Does something that looks like yours sell?
Not an error but I have 9 star notes
Not an error but I have 9 star notes 7 $1s 1 $5 and 1 $20
Star notes by themselves are cool but there are a fairly large number of them.
Having an error or a fancy serial number plus having them a star note may be worth more.
I have a curculated 1996 $100 bill with mismatched serial numbers by just one digit. I’ve checked eBay and haven’t found anything like it.
Mismatched serial numbers are errors and do sell. The error adds to the value rather than multiplies the value, though …
Huh, weird. You have a picture?
I have a $5.00 bill in excellent condition that looks like the back was printed on top of the front and a $10.00 bill in excellent condition with a gutter fold that runs diagonally right through the portrait. Where would be the best place to sell them.
Those bills sound neat!
I haven’t found any such bills myself but a lot do sell on eBay.
My ebook (linked in the post) explains how to do the price research on this.
There are, of course, other buyers outside of eBay.
I found a 2009 $10 U.S bill that on the forehead of Hamilton is a thread from the paper is sticking out, is it worth anything
Not sure about that one. US currency paper does have fabric content so that may be pretty common (unless it’s a really unusually huge thread or something).
I have a couple of two dollar bills one with a misprint one with a overcut and another with extra ink were can i sell ?
Depends on the nature of the misprint. It might be worth just $2; hard to tell without seeing it.
I have a 2013 $5 bill, serial number MC 24997600 B that is miscut (top/bottom) so much that Lincoln’s name ribbon (that should be below him) is at the very top. My mother received it from an ATM a few years ago, appeared to be brand new at the time and she put it in a book for safe keeping, so it is in perfect condition to my eye. Any idea what it could be worth?
Sounds like a decent error! My ebook goes into detail for estimating value.
I have a $1 bill with the back top left 1/4 of the bill reprinted exactly on the front top right 1/4 of the bill. So the pyramid is intersecting the green seal. Could this be worth something more than the dollar face value?
Interesting! A picture would help.
I have a 2009 1$ bill that is miss cut. The left side margin is much bigger the the ride side. Any worth more then a dollar?
Interesting! A picture would help.
I have a 1 dollar bill with a gold border I thought it was first drawn on funny haha kinda thing but as I look more and more it looks like am ink error and can’t find anything on it any thought to see if it’s real or fake??
Not familiar with that kind of bill! Interesting, though.
My 94 year old father in law tells me he has a 10 dollar bill with the face printed on both sides. I’ve never seen the bill as he has it in a lock box. Could this be worth much?
If it’s a genuine bill then that’s rare beyond rare. A web search didn’t really turn up anything. The closest is something like a “front $5, back $10” error.
John, can I send you a couple of pics? A 2003 Jefferson with a collar flaw, and a 76 Jefferson with what looks like red dye or rust.
Sure, send to info at this domain.
Hello, I just got a 2003 $20.00 bill from a atm and noticed on the front next to the word TWENTY it has a weird mark to the right of it that looks like a arrow are a corner are something and no others have it on them from the same year. It’s the same color as the word, I thought it might be a pencil mark but I checked and its not. is it anything normal? I was just wondering. can scan it and send a pic if like. but I dunno if to spend it are to check around. ty for your time.
Sure, just send the pic it to info at this domain.
I found a one dollar bill my grandfather had hidden away in a box after he died it’s a 1995 and looks like its misprinted or miss cut something just trying to find a value what do you think
Hard to say without seeing the bill.
Hi my name is Iryna
I have found 50 dollar bill with two ink lines one through the face and another from the F of straight down to the L of the dollar could i have found something
Hard to know without a picture.
I have a $10 bill with half of the back printed on the front and half of the front printed on the back.. any idea if this is worth anything?
That sounds like an error!
I have a 2013 $1 bill. Miscut bill for sure. Almost no border on the right hand of the bill and thick border on left front. Bill is in excellent condition. What would it be worth.
Hi Aaron. I have a Facebook Group that you can join and post to; click here!
Hello, I just found a $1 bill with a misaligned serial number the only number misaligned in the serial number is the 9 (L06128469L) the bill is well used maybe fine condition any insight
Hi Bob. I have a Facebook Group that you can join and post to; click here!
Just found that I have a 2009 twenty that appears to have two sides of a circle. a very thin line going over Jacksons forehead and right eye with the other half just under The United States of America. An incomplete circle that should not be there embedded in the bill, and not stamped over it. Like it touched a round machine part that had a small amount of grey ink on it. Is there any way to prove it a misprint?
Hi John. I have a Facebook Group that you can join and post to; click here!
I have a 2009 50$ bill with serial JG00010897* star note, i also think its an error as its covered in what looks like the yellow ink from the back of the bill on all the little 50’s. Its considerably more yellow than any other 50$ ive seen, and it suddenly stops in certain places. Am i just trippin or can this be a huge error star note??
Hi Tony. I have a Facebook Group that you can join and post to; click here!
I don’t get it. What you have illustrated are examples of funny money, most of which would not be accepted by any sane vendors nor atm machines or similar.
I suppose there may be some value to a misprint but all other features need to be first verified as intended authentic government printed money.
No merchant has an obligation to accept any sort of peculiar dough. I’m a merchant myself and I would not accept any of the funny money displayed.
As a merchant, you don’t have to accept anything that looks suspicious.
But people who run across these kinds of bills shouldn’t spend them anyway. They should sell them (or keep them!)
My mother has three $1 bills in sequence that she got out of the atm in the ’90s, and and the backs of all three are blank. there is a slight imprint, like a ghost imprint of whats suppose to be there but not inked. Any idea if they are worth anything?
Sounds like a “light or missing design” error but a picture would show it better.
Curious about an Uncirculated 1935 $1 Silver Certificate I recently purchased at auction. Upon recieveing today, I noticed the reverse of the bill to be considerably dark/heavier ink. It is not smeared, but is bled into the webbing design that surround the images. Looking closer through a 60x loupe, the negative space webs are very incomplete due to the over inking. Any ideas on this one as my research has turned up nothing as I found I overinking to this degree elsewhere. Appreciate the time and insight!
Jeff, post some pics in the Cool Serial Facebook group and we’ll take a look! (click here to join)
What about a 2013 – $1 Dollar Bill , with the serial reading like a palindrome except for a 1 at the end it reads 0412202214 also I have a Bill that the upper right hand serials numbers have faint numbers offset from them I thought it was a smear until I looked close it’s actually detailed just faint. Also there is a smear on one of the four ID numbers (I guess that’s what they are) IDK I’m a noob. Whoooooo! Rick Flare!
Hi Darren! That would be a great bill to post in the Cool Serial Facebook group! We’ll take a look. (click here to join)
Found four 2014 20 dollar bills with what I believe is called embossed printing? All the serial numbers are pressed so hard they stick out the other side. Raised on back side, indented on front. Any value or just another 20?
Huh, sounds interesting! Maybe the Cool Serial Facebook group can take a look at some pictures! (click here to join)
I have a few hundred dollar bills with a small amount of red ink smeared on top left. All smears are similar. Any idea?
Hard to tell without a picture. Post them in the Cool Serial Facebook group! (click here to join)
I have a dollar bill with a partial human fingerprint that is printed on the back side. Any thought on the value of this?
Probably just a dollar, man. Unless it’s Lady Gaga’s fingerprint or something …
More details:
I have an uncut sheet of dollar bills that was purchased from the US mint. On close examination I noticed that there is a partial human finger printed on the back side on every one of the bills (48 total I think). This is not a image from the front side showing through but actual printing. I was wondering if you ever heard of this type of misprint and if there would me a market for it.
I have a one dollar bill with the border in the middle. No border top,or bottom. But have borders on each end. It’s two different bill on one bill. s/n L 39588656 N
Hi Eric, cool bill! Post this in the Cool Serial Facebook group and we’ll take a look! (click here to join)
Hi Im hoping that maybe you can tell me if this is a good error or not an error at all.
I got a 2013 $5 Dollar Bill today and Looking at it, the Serial Numbers are not inline with each number. For Instance Starts with Normal 44 / High 7/ Lower 2 (Lower than the beginning first two 44)/ Higher 4532. So the numbers all are 44724532, I looked at the Bill and noticed it right away and had to take a double take. Thank you so much for your time and help… Much appreciated. The only thing i know about money is I have to work hard to get it, then turn around and spend it. LOL
I got a 1996 mid cut 50$ bill where the blank part is way more on the bottom an the top there real ain’t a blank spot
Hi Michael, cool bill! Post this in the Cool Serial Facebook group and we’ll take a look! (click here to join)
I have a 1990 $10 bill where the paper was cut on the left side with no white paper showing. Also the top was cut right above the Federal Reserve Note writing. The bottom and right side are normal though. Would this be worth anything?
Hi Willie – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post pictures there!
I have a 1050 -$50 dollar bill that has a small top margin and a larger bottom margin. The Series 1950 D is crooked and overlapping on the line below. One corner has been folded but other than that it looks as if it has been in a book and new.Serial #H039185367A If I hold it up to ta light there is a dark light embedded in the paper between Grant’s face and the back.
Hi Doretha – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a 2013 $1 bill with the serial # L40346947H. The 3 appears to be twice as thick as the other numbers. Meaning it looks like it might have been double stamped, but I don’t know if that’s even possible. Any ideas?
Hi Richard – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
Serial numbers for misaligned I’m wondering if this $20 bill is worth any money more than it’s obvious $20
Hi William – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a dollar bill with the serial numbers the last three are going upward As opposed to going straight across
Hi Alan – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I got a uncirculated pack of 50 $1 bills. They are all in sequence. The front of every bill has a ink bleed through on front around face. On the back of each bill they have ink smears on top border, bottom border and on the center of the bills. You can line up each one in order and see the extra ink in those areas. Is this something common when you get uncirculated money from the bank? If not, is it a cool find and how much is it worth?
Hi Fran – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a 2013 $50 bill with an “E” printed in the middle of Grants head. Do you think it would be worth anything
Hi Lisa – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
If the seal does not cover or touch the E on the word one on US $1 note, does that count as an error?
Hard to know without a picture. Sign up on the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture there!
Hey there, I’m a waitress and about a month ago I got a $1 bill it is from 1981 and in really good condition. The front part has almost half the bill with the back also printed on the front. Everything else looks normal except for the front havong the extra part that has the back also printed on the front.
Hi Jaime – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a $10 where ink on the back never tried right or bled too much. Is there a way I can show you the bill?
Hi Shawn – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a Twenty dollar bill with link smear down the face on the bill, have never seen this before. How can I show you a picture of the bill?
Hi Robin – Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a $1 bill that has a 3 digit year.
Hi Timothy! Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there!
I have a 1934 $20.00 bill and it is missing the word THE before WHITE HOUSE. Is there any value?
Hi Jeff. Join the Cool Serial Facebook group and post a picture of your bill there:
I have a star note one dollar bill that is printed in completely blue ink on the reverse side and normal green ink on the front. I cannot find any information on this type of bill. Any ideas?
Interesting! Post a picture over at the Cool Serial FB group.
i have a 2003 dollar bill with what looks like to be a coin on the front of it any information on those ?
Interesting! Post a picture over at the Cool Serial FB group.
I have a $20 bill series 2017 where the serial numbers were so heavily stamped that you can feel them on the backside, kind of like reading Braille. Any oddity or rarity on this?
Interesting! Would love for you to post a pic over at the Cool Serial FB Group!
i have a one dollar 1963 series b serial numbers are faded and the cutting of the bill is slightly off what kind of advice would u give of about how much it is worth
Hi Maria. You can head to to have this checked out!
I have a bill that has one number thicker then the rest
That’s fairly common.
I have a newer $100.00 bill with a pryamid printed in the front right corner. Anyone know what I have here
Join the Facebook Group ( and post a pic!
I need help, any currency I touch “speaks to me” if that makes sense? Technically I’m a skitzo but I’m truly not, just close with the father.
There’s not enough time in the day nor do I care about money to show you how interestingly deep this goes. But for starters I pulled 4 20 dollar bills a couple days ago. With no real direction of what to look for I listen to my thoughts. On quick glance I notice two sets of two different series. 2013 and 2017 A. The serial numbers are strange to me, I know they are probably important, but I’m too dumb to interpret them. However when you put the bills in the light, there’s a hologram of Jackson in the bottom right corner. It’s very strange that in both sets of series, one of the hologram Jackson’s has what looks to me like the letter “P” engraved on the forehead. I’m sure you guys know way more than me so please help if ya can! I got some pretty cool stuff I could show you! I have the pictures as well
You can join Cool Serial and post pics there:
I have a dollar bill with no circle with letter on left side
I have a 1977 star note low number with a misaligned cut. Number L 07771681*. How much is it worth?
A picture would help a lot here. Check on the Cool Serial Facebook group to post a pic and ask about it!
I have a 20 dollar bill that has a donkey or goat printed on the back side above to 20. No other 20 dollar bills I have ,have this animal. If anyone knows why this might be please let me know. Thank you.
I haven’t seen this before!